Foie Gras Volume II: with Strawberry Guava Jam and Asian Pear

Posted by kenny Monday, December 13, 2010 0 comments
After devouring two slices of foie gras with rib eye steaks,
My freezer is now left with four more liver pieces,
I have to finish everything before shipping all the kitchenware back to Taiwan,
That days for four more foie gras meals!

Is it possible to eat such fatty and oily stuff nearly everyday for one whole week?
Well, with the help of my strawberry guava jam, I believe foie gras should be gone in no time!


1 piece of foie gras
1 tablespoon of fresh Asian pear (finely diced)
Some strawberry guava jam (black currant jam should do the trick too)
Some toasted sourdough slices (or simple baguette)

Toast the bread slices on both sides,
*I actually brush some extra virgin olive oil on the grill pan beforehand.

Preheat the oven to 365 degrees Fahrenheit.
Sear the foie gras till both sides turn slightly brown,
Transfer to the oven till desired doneness.
This time I cook the foie gras straight from the freezer,
So I left it in the oven for about 5 minutes or so to make sure that the center is well cooked-through.

To assemble,
Transfer the bread slices onto a plate,
Spoon some jam and place the foie gras directly on it,
Serve with finely diced Asian pear.

Foie gras matches well with ingredients that carry some sort of acidity,
It balances out the oiliness from the duck fat,
I actually had this dish for breakfast,
Come on, bread and jam, of course it's good for breakfast ( > _.< )"

Believe it or not,
This will be on my table again tomorrow morning.
So good.

Cindy's Rating: 8
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